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Employer Branding as a connecting factor
to both new and current personnel

How Lamb Weston's new Employer Brand isn’t just
to target potential employees, but also provides
a fresh perspective internally

Open vacancies? Help!

In a market where finding good people is difficult and employees have plenty of choice you, as an employer, have to make a good impression! So, when Lamb Weston looked for a way to fill its many open positions, they turned to GI for help. You want people to choose you because they really want to work for your organisation. Not ‘just’ because there’s a job opening, but because they strive for the same values, believe in your vision (or purpose) and would like to be part of your brand(s). However, that asks for a rock-solid Employer Brand. And we helped Lamb Weston take the first steps.

Employer Branding starts with the basics

We sat together with the entire HR team to determine the Employer Value Proposition: what do you have to offer as a company in exchange for the talent of potential employees? During a session we mapped out Lamb Weston's core values ​​and their intended target groups. Other than the mayonnaise on Lamb Weston’s fries, Employer Branding isn’t something you can just add! It requires a clear strategy and needs to be supported internally.

Working together for a strong employer brand

That is why we put both the HR and MarCom departments at the table for input. Together and each from their own perspective, they decided on the content of the Employer Brand manifesto. This manifesto is the basis for all employer brand communication. It shows what Lamb Weston stands for as an employer, and from what standpoint they communicate as an Employer Brand. It’s not just a nice story: it has to be and feel true, both for current and new employees. This was achieved by bundling the insights of all people involved. And, even better: it also ensured a stronger mutual cooperation between the departments!

Starting on the inside, for a win outside

Finally, we translated all of this into a blueprint: a practical document that provided Lamb Weston with all the tools to get started. And, of course, we also helped set up the first resources. With a clear course and everyone on the same page, the internal culture improves and there is less turnover. Moreover, you are stronger in the choices you make because partners also see and recognize your values. Therefore, getting vacancies filled is only a small part of an employer brand: more attractiveness is the real gain. And by getting everyone on board… it works like a charm!

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