A tropical start
When we mention Island marketing, you might go: “Oh! the Dutch peninsulas!” But no, in this case it’s something a lot more tropical: the Island of Bonaire. Through our network, we were asked for the tender in which Bonaire called on creative agencies to help them become The Caribbean's first Blue Destination. A Blue Destination is a unique place on earth that makes a positive contribution to the quality of life, for both people and nature. And it mustn’t come as a surprise that, at GI, we very much liked to make our own positive contribution to that!
Pitch Perfect
At GI, we don't just participate in every pitch. First, we assess the application according to our 10 pitch criteria. This way, we check whether we are a good match and can offer added value, before our over-enthusiasm makes us dive right in. Delivering A+ work is our full-time job, so we need to stay sharp as a needle!
With this tender, our choice was quickly made: Let’s go for it! Within a short period, we dove into the case, the markets, the target groups, and the intended objectives. Marketing research was provided and we started with the positioning of Bonaire. We developed personas, a value proposition canvas, a brand circle, and a clear communication house. Not only for B2C communication (with a focus on American and European tourists), but also for the B2B market (hotels and leisure companies). A strong foundation, from which we created a clear B2B2C strategy: The full-circle getaway. Every action, from tourists but also from companies, must contribute to a better life on Bonaire. In the broadest sense possible.

A strong B2B2C strategy stands or falls with the extent to which you know what drives both target groups. It’s only then, they’re able to reinforce each othe
Briefly close your eyes and listen to the sea
After determining the new strategy, from which the tagline ‘Embrace Bonaire. Embrace Life.’ was born, it was time to do the island justice with an island story (rationale) that captured the feeling of Bonaire. A movie was made, in which we took everyone on a journey to the Caribbean paradise. (Note: the first 60 seconds you only hear the voice-over, after that you’ll be flooded with images that make you long for a holiday. Sorry, not sorry).
Told you so, you want to go to Bonaire now, right? However, we didn't have time to dream away, because our next step, the visual identity, was waiting for us. We created a logo that captured the essence of the island. The O of Bonaire became a dynamic element that changes based on the topic/activity you want to highlight, always with a link to the sea. Because an island without a sea is like a bird without wings!
An island in your back pocket
An enviable story and visual identity are important, but if no one sees (or reads) it, it makes no sense. Therefore, an online campaign is needed to lead people to the brand-new Bonaire website. A campaign in which we show how Bonaire offers everything you want: from the weather, to the food, the accommodations, and the activities!

Putting the user in the center of your communication ensures that you answer the question: 'What does our target audience want to hear?' instead of 'What do we want to tell?'
To get everything smoothly aligned, a blueprint (of what needed to be developed) was created. Together with a clear timeframe, action plan, and budget indication we sent our tropical proposal overseas. And then? Fingers crossed (or should we say… flamingos crossed)!